
About D20 Stitchery
Chief Crafter & Maker of All the Things, Mariana
Mariana is the owner and crafter behind D20 Stitchery. A gaming and cosplay enthusiast that took her sewing skills and love of crafting to create excellent gaming accessories for all kinds of gamers. She fell in love with Anime watching Vampire Hunter D and Aeon Flux as a young gal and has always enjoyed video games. She first attended the Bristol Renaissance Fair with her family in High School and was head over heels for full on nerd culture and the fair/convention format of gathering. She began playing D&D and doing cosplay in college (an undisclosed period of time) but soon discovered a Crown Royal bag was neither large enough nor sturdy enough for the dice she needed.Having developed excellent sewing skills doing cosplay and having a great love of many fandoms, crafting and gaming she decided to combine her powers for good - and D20 Stitchery was born! The Epic Dice Bags were her first item, but as she attended conventions she discovered many others loved nerdy/geeky crafts as much as she did and branched out into needle craft (cross stitch and embroidery) as well as card crafts. While cross stitch and other crafts are only available at conventions we have the full range of embroidery patterns and dice bags available on this site.